
Evaluation of the efficacy of sentinel node detection in breast cancer: chronological course and influence of the incorporation of an intra-operative portable gamma camera

Revista Española de Medicina Nuclear e Imagen Molecular “The percentage of global identification obtained in SLNB was above the level recommended ...


Speeding up again in endoscopy

This time we would like to pinpoint our offerings in endoscopy since we are able to assist you with full systems, endoscopes and repairs. We can e...


Sentinel node detection in early breast cancer with intraoperative portable gamma camera: UK experience

The Breast “This study confirms the excellent sensitivity and specificity of Sentinella® in localisation of radioactive nodes. Our results demons...


Intraoperative Imaging with a Portable Gamma Camera May Reduce the False-Negative Rate for Melanoma Sentinel Lymph Node Surgery

Journal of Surgical Oncology “Intraoperative portable gamma camera imaging provides statistically and clinically significant additional informat...


Speeding up again

Healthcare providers and businesses are now finally moving again since the COVID-19 is decreasing or under control most places. There are quite ...



Covid-19 is all over us and it has become a pandemic and we cannot stop it. The only thing we can do is to slow down the spreading which will mak...